Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Less Nasty Reason for Amnesty

The more nasty reason is that it allows jihadis to sneak across the border and join the imported army hiding out in the mosques with their cached weopons.

If the Western press, the Soviet-style Media, succeeds in keeping that traitorous thought from becoming commonly understood for the deadly threat that it is, then the following may be allowed to become the meme that replaces it.

The less nasty reason is, quite simply, that both parties have aligned to allow 0 to fast-track the importation of a new American citizenry more to their liking.

The Mexican and Central American peasants, being accustomed to a very limited set of opportunities by their despotic upper classes, view coming to America as a chance of a lifetime. And it is and will continue to be for some unknown short-term.

This is especially so because they are given that all sorts of socialist goodies from the moment they cross the border, making the traditional American lure of an opportunity to make a good life from ones own abilities run as a distant second lure.

In a post from 2011, Ameristocracy Targeting TJICs, I coined the phrase Ameristocracy. Please read it.

The incoming third-worlders, long accustomed to being abused by their despots, are more accepting of their new, more benign, Norte American despots. They, as a lower class from rigidly classed societies, cannot understand why native Norte Americanos could be concerned.

Native Americans are simply not malleable enough to be relied upon to go along with the ever more demanding desires of our Ameristocracy and its ruling class. So a population that IS more accustomed to being bossed around is highly desirable and so welcomed open arms.

It serves to dilute voter resistance to the extent that voting still has any meaning.

And what bothers me most about this is that although it is bad that America is on the fast track to becoming a more rigidly classed society that it never really has been (upward mobility has long been an American dream come true time and again), it IS the less nasty reason for why amnesty is bad.

You do recall what the more nasty reason is don't you? Jihadis hiding amongst the invaders.

It would be a good thing were these peasants would come to understand how short-lived their improved life will be once the more nasty reason became "kinetic."

However, how in the world could we ever convey to them that they are welcomed here because they serve as useful idiots in providing cover for terrorists? Given how impossible it has been to convey to our fellow native Americans (with no language barrier) how deadly is our Ameristocracy to the existence of America as the home for individual freedom.


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